Are you experiencing hair loss? If that is happening to you, then here is some information you should know about hair loss.
What is hair loss?
Hair loss is caused by proteins (keratin) dying and being replaced. This means that right at the site of hair loss, new hair will grow to replace the place where it was lost. According to dermatologists, hair loss is considered a normal natural phenomenon and does not cause any serious health effects. However, if hair loss is large and occurs on a regular basis, hair loss may not be a natural phenomenon but rather a manifestation of a related medical condition.
What is hair loss?
Hair loss is divided into 3 distinct types, namely:
- Alopecia areata, mainly bald patches on the head.
- Generalized alopecia: Complete loss of hair from the scalp:
- Body hair loss (hair loss): Loss of all body hair
Hair loss symptoms
Depending on the cause, hair loss can have different signs and symptoms. Hair loss can happen suddenly, temporarily, or permanently. They affect the scalp, even the entire body. Here are some symptoms of hair loss:
Hair loss symptoms
- Gradual hair loss on the top of the head: It is one of the most common hair loss symptoms, affecting both men and women. In men, the symptoms are obvious as the hair begins to recede into the forehead in an M-like line. In women, the hairline on the forehead shows no sign of falling out but the hair extension is affected. , began to fall off gradually.
- Round or patchy bald spots: In this case of hair loss, the scalp feels itchy or painful after the hair falls out.
- Hair suddenly loosens: This sign is easily recognized through the phenomenon of hair falling out after you comb or wash your hair. Hair also easily falls out even if you hold and tug lightly. With this type of hair loss there is usually no baldness, but your hair will begin to thin.
- Generalized hair loss: If you are undergoing medical treatments such as cancer chemotherapy, it can lead to hair loss all over the body. However, after the treatment, the hair usually grows back.
When should you see a dermatologist?
Patients should consult a doctor when hair loss is sudden or patchy. Besides, if you notice signs of hair loss more than usual, you should also see a doctor as soon as possible.
When should you see a dermatologist?
Because in addition to the natural phenomenon of hair loss, a lot of hair loss can be a sign that the body wants to warn you that you have a medical condition that needs immediate treatment, especially cancer.
Causes of hair loss
Normally, people lose about 100 hairs per day. This usually goes unnoticed, as the hair on the scalp does not thin thanks to the new layer of hair that grows back. And hair loss is easily detected only when the cycle of growth and shedding is interrupted, more hair falls out than new hair grows back.
Causes of hair loss
There are many causes of hair loss, but the disease usually occurs due to the following main factors:
- Genetics: One of the most common causes of hair loss today is genetics. If your loved one shows signs of baldness, you are also at a higher risk of developing the condition. And family history is the factor that helps determine the age of your hair loss.
- Hormonal changes: Hormonal imbalances can increase your risk of hair loss. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or entering menopause are prone to hair problems, especially hair loss. In addition, people with thyroid disease can also change hormones that lead to hair disease.
- Prolonged stress or sudden emotional shock can lead to hair loss.
- Drugs and Supplements: Hair loss can be a side effect of certain medications, such as medications for depression, cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, gout, and related conditions. to the heart…
- Stress: In this case, the hair loss is only temporary. Hair loss can stop as soon as the patient regains his or her sanity.
- Due to the hairdressing method: If you regularly create and beautify your hair, especially the beauty measures that pull, curl, straighten, etc., it can lead to inflammation of the hair follicles, causing hair loss.
Some factors that can increase the risk of hair loss
Some factors that can increase the risk of hair loss are as follows:
- Weight, especially in people with sudden weight loss.
- People with diabetes, lupus
- Age
- Skin infections
- Due to hair pulling compulsive disorder
- Due to poor nutrition, it leads to deficiency of nutrients, causing hair loss