Exporting pepper is giving great value to suppliers because of the continual rise in demand for pepper spending. However, there are many distinct types of pepper suppliers around the world. As a result, in order to import the correct variety of pepper, importers must have specific market expertise.
An overview of pepper export market
After the COVID-19 epidemic last year, the global pepper export declined, but demand from important markets like the EU, the United States, and the Middle East grew again.

Supply of pepper all over the world
Vietnam, Brazil and Indonesia are the largest pepper exporters in the globe. However, from the beginning of this year, these countries witnessed a decrease in pepper volume by 3.2%, 8.7%, and 9.5% respectively over the same period last year.
Demand for pepper spending
The global pepper demand is currently at 510,000 tons per year and is expected to expand by 2-3 percent per year, while global pepper production is expected to increase by 8-10 percent. Pepper production will exceed 660,000 tons in 2021, with an anticipated growth to 1 million tons in 2050, and global pepper demand will also rise, but not at the same rate as supply.
Three biggest pepper importers in the world are China (10,401 tons), the United States ( 9,949 tons) and Korea (4568 tons)
Price of pepper export
Due to a scarcity of supply and challenging transportation, pepper export prices have risen in most >major pepper exporting countries across the world. Furthermore, increased import demand towards the end of the year influenced pepper prices positively.
Top 3 the best pepper suppliers in global markets
Vietnam exports the most peppers, with 232 thousand tons, followed by Brazil with around 56 thousand tons. Indonesia came in third place with about 23 thousand tons.
The soil conditions (soil, weather) in Vietnam are ideal for growing pepper plants. A bigger amount than India or Brazil, and more than the global average pepper volume, is produced by good farming practices and pleasant natural conditions.
The main Vietnam pepper export goods are black pepper and white pepper, which account for just around 10-15% of total production output. Customers who purchase Vietnamese pepper frequently request black pepper.
The main markets importing Vietnam’s pepper are the United States, UAE, India, Pakistan…

Brazil’s pepper export volume has climbed again due to greater supply from the new harvest. Black pepper is the most popular pepper in Brazil.
In terms of the export market, Brazil’s pepper exports to the United States and Vietnam have been declining, but shipments to Germany, Pakistan, and, particularly, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have climbed significantly in the first nine months
White pepper accounted for over half of Indonesia’s pepper exports (12,413 tons), while whole-grain black pepper accounted for the other third (9,701 tons).
The two main pepper consumption markets in Indonesia are Vietnam and China. However, in the first eight months of this year, both import volumes from these countries fell by 25.6 percent and 36.7 percent respectively. The reason for this is that the outbreak lasted a long period, reducing the need for pepper at large restaurants. Indonesia’s pepper exports to the Netherlands, Germany, and India, on the other hand, surged considerably.