Do you know that olive oil for hair is the secret to full, shiny and healthy hair? Here are some of the ways to use olive oil for hair.
Why olive oil for hair is good for you
Olive oil originates from the Mediterranean, is extracted from the olive tree. Olive oil is used by Mediterranean women as a “panacea” in beauty because of its many great uses such as moisturizing, cleansing, antioxidants, etc. Until now, olive oil for hair is still used in the beauty industry.
Why olive oil for hair is good for you
And olive oil for hair brings a lot of great effects because:
- The antioxidants and Vitamin E found in olive oil make hair strong, shiny, moisturize the scalp and protect the keratin in the hair.
- Hair also has its own mask and olive oil is the mask for your hair. Instead of being annoyed with frizzy and dry hair, using olive oil will make your hair softer and smoother thanks to substances such as squalene, fatty acids: Palmitic acid, Oleic acid, …
- Not only hair conditioner, olive oil also effectively nourishes oily skin by removing sebum accumulation on the scalp, making hair grow long and smooth. Because sebum is the main cause of hindering the formation of new hair follicles, it leads to clogging of the hair roots, easy to fall, and prevents hair growth.
- Another great use of olive oil is to treat dandruff. In olive oil, there are many nutrients such as unsaturated fats, Polyphenols, .. have the effect of softening the dandruff-prone areas, balancing moisture and helping the scalp to breathe, because when applying olive oil on dry skin, the skin will be kept moist and not flaked into flakes of dandruff.
How to use olive oil for hair the right way
Because olive oil for hair is an easily available ingredient and is also very popular in the kitchens of today’s families, many people have chosen to make their own hair treatment with olive oil at home. But not everyone knows how to properly incubate their hair with olive oil.
Extra virgin olive oil for hair
Here, we will introduce you to some ways to incubate your hair with olive oil at home properly, safely and effectively.
Extra virgin olive oil for hair
- Incubating hair with extra virgin olive oil is the simplest, fastest and easiest way to do it, suitable for everyone, even busy people.
- Ingredients include 20ml olive oil and need to add 1 small bowl.
Olive oil for hair
How to proceed as follows:
- First, put 20ml of olive oil into the prepared small bowl.
- Use the microwave to heat the olive oil for 10 seconds, or you can take another bowl and add boiling water and soak the bowl with the olive oil inside for 30 seconds.
- Rinse the hair with water, then apply olive oil evenly on the hair and scalp, then comb the hair evenly to the ends, wrap it with a towel and incubate for 30 minutes.
- At the end of the incubation time, rinse the olive oil on your hair with clean water.
- Incubating hair with extra virgin olive oil once a week will help you get smooth, shiny hair.
Banana and olive oil for hair
Using chemicals to beautify hair is no longer a strange thing for people when they want to press, dye, curl or stamp their hair. But when you use a lot of chemicals on your hair, it will damage your hair causing problems such as frizz, dryness, breakage. To improve your hair, you should use olive oil for hair and bananas overnight.
Banana and olive oil for hair
- The use of “miracle” when incubating hair with olive oil overnight is to help nourish hair to grow fast and shiny. Bananas contain Carbohydrates, Potassium, various vitamins and natural oils that help strengthen hair, improve hair from split ends, and easily break.
- Ingredients include: 50ml olive oil, 1 ripe banana (preferably pepper banana), 2 tablespoons of honey (if available) and a hood.
How to proceed as follows:
Puree the mixture: olive oil, banana and honey.
- Before incubating, wash with shampoo and conditioner, use a towel to absorb water to dry the hair more.
- Apply the blended mixture evenly on the hair and gently massage for 5 to 10 minutes with your hands for the nutrients to penetrate into the hair, then cover the hair with a hood overnight.
- When you wake up the next morning, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner with clean water.
With this method, only twice a week, your hair will be restored from damage, becoming shiny and strong.